Bay of Plenty Rugby Referees - Strategy Update & 2022 Review


2023-2025 Strategic Plan Update

Having reached the end of our current strategic plan cycle, in place since the 2020 season, we have set about updating our club's strategic plan to guide us through the next few years.

Led by independent expert Jeremy Curragh, the Referee Management Group along with some engaged club members set about recrafting a draft strategy, guided and informed by club feedback over the past three seasons and the strategies of BOPRU and NZR.

We want you to have your say! Check out the draft in its current state (link below) and see if this is the plan that you feel is best fit to guide the actions of our club over the next 3 years. Any contribution/suggestions, no matter how minor, are welcomed and valued to ensure the credibility of our club's direction. 


The document above is a live working document. It is by no means complete yet. The "Measures" section has yet to be fine-tuned and reviewed, as it was felt more time and consideration is given to those in particular. This is one section where your contribution is especially encouraged.

Remember - a strategic plan guides actions - it is not a plan of specific "nuts and bolts", but instead, provides the framework in which our annual action plans are created within. Suggestions should be aimed at this higher/broader level, rather than specific actions. 

Please email your suggestions/comments through to our RMG Governance representative Estelle Whaiapu, or RMG Chairman David Hodgson not later than Monday 31st October 2022.

2022 Season Wrap-up

A huge thanks to everyone who contributed their voice to our end of season survey, and/or fed back directly via their panel manager, RMG, or Referee Manager. In late September our club volunteers met to collate/interpret the information, and unpack key pressures, trends, successes and work-ons. A summary of this can be viewed by clicking here.

WINNERS! Congratulations to Don Pickerill and Sean Moore who contributed to the Season Wrap-Up survey, and were drawn for a prize each of $50 worth of Referee Club merchandise! Check out new merch as it is added over the next few months.

Article added: Wednesday 12 October 2022


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